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discover unique job insights from professionals

Want "behind the scenes" insights only experienced professionals have?LUMINLINC brings you insider information not currently publicly available anywhere else.


We deliver the information you need to make your next career move


Discover the work environment of a specific company. The culture, the working hours, their approach towards remote working, the benefits they offer and their perspective on aspects like recognition, career development, wellness, equality, and team building. 


Understand from our job experts who you report to, who reports to you, and which other departments you interact with regularly. Find out what your typical day would entail and how you are measured - not something you can find publicly on any other platform.


But not only that - we all want to know about the moola, the cash dollar, the package! Learn about the benefits, the salary, and the leave.


​And, if that all sounds interesting, having some insider tips on how to land the job would certainly help! Discover the functional skills, personal attributes and prep required for an interview to land the vocation of your dreams! 



turn unique job insights into passive incomes

By answering a set of standard questions on the LUMINLINC app, you can create job insight cards and earn money per purchase when someone buys your job card.


You set the price of your job card, we take a 25% commission, there are some small admin processing fees, and you get the rest. 


Embrace the opportunity to outline your career and create a unique profile by generating job cards of any job you've ever had on the LUMINLINC app.

We want to empower professionals and peers with a platform to provide insights on jobs you're currently in or have previously held. We're not talking surface-level stuff: we mean the authentic, deep-dive details of that job that nobody knows but you! 


BUT IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. By creating job cards on LUMINLINC you can also connect with like-minded professionals - professionals in the same role or industry as you, professional facing the same challenges as you, professionals you can learn from.



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